
Here are some works of mine 📚


Fantastic Semantics and Where to Find Them: Investigating Which Layers of Generative LLMs Reflect Lexical Semantics


In this paper, we specifically investigate the bottom-up evolution of lexical semantics for a popular LLM, namely Llama2, by probing its hidden states at the end of each layer using a contextualized word identification task. Our experiments show that the representations in lower layers encode lexical semantics, while the higher layers, with weaker semantic induction, are responsible for prediction.

Large language models have achieved remarkable success in general language understanding tasks. However, as a family of generative methods with the objective of next token prediction, the semantic evolution with the depth of these models are not fully explored, unlike their predecessors, such as BERT-like architectures. In this paper, we specifically investigate the bottom-up evolution of lexical semantics for a popular LLM, namely Llama2, by probing its hidden states at the end of each layer using a contextualized word identification task. Our experiments show that the representations in lower layers encode lexical semantics, while the higher layers, with weaker semantic induction, are responsible for prediction. This is in contrast to models with discriminative objectives, such as mask language modeling, where the higher layers obtain better lexical semantics. The conclusion is further supported by the monotonic increase in performance via the hidden states for the last meaningless symbols, such as punctuation, in the prompting strategy.


Ambiguity Meets Uncertainty: Investigating Uncertainty Estimation for Word Sense Disambiguation

Findings: ACL 2023

Word sense disambiguation (WSD), which aims to determine an appropriate sense for a target word given its context, is crucial for natural language understanding. Existing supervised methods treat WSD as a classification task and have achieved remarkable performance. Word sense disambiguation (WSD), which aims to determine an appropriate sense for a target word given its context, is crucial for natural language understanding. Existing supervised methods treat WSD as a classification task and have achieved remarkable performance. However, they ignore uncertainty estimation (UE) in the real-world setting, where the data is always noisy and out of distribution. This paper extensively studies UE on the benchmark designed for WSD. Specifically, we first compare four uncertainty scores for a state-of-the-art WSD model and verify that the conventional predictive probabilities obtained at the end of the model are inadequate to quantify uncertainty. Then, we examine the capability of capturing data and model uncertainties by the model with the selected UE score on well-designed test scenarios and discover that the model reflects data uncertainty satisfactorily but underestimates model uncertainty. Furthermore, we explore numerous lexical properties that intrinsically affect data uncertainty and provide a detailed analysis of four critical aspects: the syntactic category, morphology, sense granularity, and semantic relations.

[Paper] [CODE]

Show, Tell and Rephrase: Diverse Video Captioning via Two-Stage Progressive Training

TMM 2022

Describing a video using natural language is an inherently one-to-many translation task. To generate diverse captions, existing VAE-based generative models typically learn factorized latent codes via one-stage training merely from stand-alone video-caption pairs. However, such a paradigm neglects set-level relationships among captions from the same video, not fully capturing the underlying multimodality of the generative process. Describing a video using natural language is an inherently one-to-many translation task. To generate diverse captions, existing VAE-based generative models typically learn factorized latent codes via one-stage training merely from stand-alone video-caption pairs. However, such a paradigm neglects set-level relationships among captions from the same video, not fully capturing the underlying multimodality of the generative process. To overcome this shortcoming, we leverage neighbouring descriptions for the same video that are articulated with noticeable topics and language variations (i.e., paraphrases). To this end, we propose a novel progressive training method by decomposing the learning of latent variables into two stages that are topic-oriented and paraphrase-oriented, respectively. Specifically, the model learns from divergent topic sentences obtained by semantic-based clustering in the first stage. It is then trained again through paraphrases with a cluster-aware adaptive regularization, allowing more intra-cluster variations. Furthermore, we introduce an overall metric DAUM, a D iversity- A ccuracy U nified M etric to consider both the precision of the generated caption set and its coverage on the reference set, which has proved to have a higher correlation with human judgment than previous precision-only metrics. Extensive experiments on three large-scale video datasets show that the proposed training strategy can achieve superior performance in terms of accuracy, diversity, and DAUM over several baselines.

[Paper] [CODE]


In this project, we have developed an application that automatically generates captions for the murals created during the Qing Dynasty. Additionally, users can engage with a chatbot to discuss specific aspects of these images. Our aim is to enhance the educational and artistic appeal of the artwork, thereby attracting a younger audience.

Example Image
Last Updated: 6/23/2023, 11:40:39 PM